Easy to integrate - Electronic gas mixers series MEM+ with motor-driven mixing valve

Gas mixers with electrical mixing valves from the MEM+ Gas Mixers Series are suitable for practically all popular gases and a large number of applications. Proportional or individual mixing valves – depending on whether 2 or 3 are mixed – form the core of this mixing process, similar to the mechanical mixing process. The functioning of the mixing valves is ingeniously simple: a moving piston in conjunction with different orifices controls the flow rate of the gases, thereby producing the desired mixture in less than 3 seconds. The technical genius lies in the high-quality materials and precise production of the individual components, coupled with correct calculation of the relevant piston-orifice combination.
In contrast to mixers with mechanical mixing valve, the electrical mixing valves are not operated manually via a rotary knob but instead via small electric motors. The electric motors are operated via an electronic controller. Benefits: First and foremost, the mixers can be regulated more finely electrically than by hand, thus resulting in a more exact gas mixture. The electronic control also allows easy reproducibility of gas mixtures. With remote operation, the mixing systems can be integrated in a network, where they can be controlled and monitored conveniently from a central point. And not to be overlooked is the constant pressure regulation by dome-loaded pressure regulators integrated into gas mixers with electrical mixing valves. The gas mixers are suitable for continuous extraction or also discontinuous extraction (using a gas tank), depending on the application.
Advantages on a glance:
- Precise, fast and reliable gas mixing
- Constant quality irrespective of pressure fluctuations
- Fine-tuned, continuous gas mixture setting in increments of 0.1 %
- Predefined mixtures can be called up and generated in a matter of seconds
- Remote operation – control and querying of all parameters and valve positions via PC, PLC or machine control
- 4 standard interfaces: Analogue 4-20 mA, Ethernet, CanBus, OPC-UA
- 3 optional interfaces: Profinet, RS232, analogue 0-10V
- Documentation of the parameter settings for quality control is possible
- External set value specification is possible
- Only one operating unit for an unlimited number of mixing systems
- Even the smallest extraction volumes are possible when using a tank
- Robust and low maintenance