Flashback Arrestor 85-10

Standard flashback arrestor, certified to DIN EN ISO 5175-1, for higher flows

  • highest quality from the world market leader
  • safety elements: flame arrestor [FA], temperature-sensitive cut-off valve [TV], check valve [NV], filter on gas inlet
  • every arrestor 100% tested
  • IBExU certified
  • 1.34 X 4.17 inches, 15.3 oz
  • acetylene max. 776 scfh (free flow-off)
  • fuel gases max. 8,295 scfh (free flow-off)
  • oxygen max. 10,942 scfh (free flow-off)

This model is also available in Stainless Steel

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WITT Flashback Arrestors for reliable protection against dangerous reverse gas flow and flashbacks in accordance with DIN EN ISO 5175-1. Every Arrestor 100% tested.

The best Flashback Arrestors in the world

  • a large surface area flame arrestor FA of stainless steel construction extinguishes any dangerous flashback entering the device in any direction
  • a temperature-sensitive cut-off valve TV extinguishes sustained flashbacks long before the internal temperature of the arrestors reaches a dangerous level (not for FA E460)
  • a spring-loaded check valve NV prevents slow or sudden reverse gas flow forming explosive mixtures in the gas supply
  • a filter at the gas inlet protects the arrestor against dirt contamination, extending the service life

Operation / Usage:

  • Flashback Arrestors are used to protect gas cylinders and pipeline outlet points (hoses and any equipment) against dangerous reverse gas flow and flashbacks
  • for pipeline outlets and single cylinders with high-consumption users
  • WITT Flashback Arrestors may be mounted in any position /orientation
  • only one piece of equipment may be connected to a single Flashback Arrestor
  • the maximum ambient / working temperature is 60 °C / 140 °F
  • gases: acetylene, town gas, natural gas, LPG, hydrogen, oxygen, compressed air, ethylene (more upon request)


  • annual testing of the check valve, body leak tightness and flow capacity is recommended
  • WITT is happy to supply special test equipment
  • Flashback Arrestors are only to be serviced by the manufacturer.
  • The dirt filter may be replaced by competent staff


Company certified to ISO 9001 and PED 2014/68/EU Module H
CE-marked according to PED 2014/68/EU
Cleaned for Oxygen Service according to EIGA IGC Doc 13/12/E: Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems













Test Rig 722

For the annual testing of WITT flashback arrestors and check valves


For hose or pipe connection PN 10