Safe and efficient hydrogen applications with WITT
The future belongs to hydrogen and with WITT products your are H2-READY. Hydrogen is already widely used in industry as a raw material, process gas, and as a fuel in a wide range of applications. 'Green hydrogen' generated using renewable energy is a key future energy source, as well as a means to store and transport energy.
But hydrogen is highly flammable, reactive and explosive when mixed with oxygen. Using the right gas safety technology and equipment is therefore an imperative.
WITT has long specialised in hydrogen applications and offers you the appropriate gas technology assembled and tested to the highest standards. With WITT products you are making your hydrogen process safe and efficient.
Hydrogen applications already offer a real technological alternative
Hydrogen as an energy carrier
Example: Fuel cell
The best example here is the fuel cell. In fuel cells, hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water, thereby releasing a large amount of energy. Fuel cells can therefore be used as an environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional combustion engines in motor vehicles. WITT offers special pressure-relief valves for this, these ensuring safety while protecting the hydrogen system against dangerous overpressure. The WITT valve was the first to fulfill the high requirements of Regulation EC 79/2009 valid throughout Europe and is approved for installation in passenger cars and buses. WITT safety technology can also be found in the latest fuel cell heating appliances - in the form of high-quality flashback arresters or gas non-return valves / check valves.
Example: Power-to-gas
Power-to-gas applications involve the production of hydrogen by means of water electrolysis or methane reforming using electricity generated by renewables. Among other things, the hydrogen serves as an energy storage medium and can be used later to generate energy as required. It is already used as back-up power banks as an alternative to diesel generators. There are also schemes to blend hydrogen into methane grids for domestic heating systems.
Example: Green hydrogen in the natural gas network
The addition of green hydrogen into the natural gas grid and thus the partial replacement of natural gas (methane) is considered a possible step towards a climate-neutral energy supply. WITT offers gas mixers tailor-made for these hydrogen-natural gas mixtures. These devices from the market leader in gas mixing technology reliably generate specific gas mixtures, to the highest standards of precision and safety.
Hydrogen as a raw material
Example: E-Fuels
E-fuels are often understood to be synthetically produced fuels. They can be used to run combustion engines without having to resort to fossil fuels. Hydrogen from renewable sources is a possible raw material here. This process, known as Power to Liquid, makes it possible to produce a crude oil-like substance from hydrogen, which then forms the basis for 'synthetic' diesel fuel.
Example: Chemical industry
In the chemical industry, hydrogen is used as a raw material. In particular, green hydrogen can be used to produce ammonia or methanol, replacing natural gas.
Hydrogen as a process gas
Example: Semiconductors
Hydrogen often plays an important role in semiconductor production. For example, for 'cleaning' the fibre optics with a deuterium (hydrogen isotope) mixture. Or in copper-wire bonding, where hydrogen as part of the protective atmosphere increases the process quality. In both applications special WITT gas mixers ensure the necessary precision of the gas mixture.
Example: Metal working
Hydrogen is a popular gas in metal processing, for example as a protective gas in heat treatment of metals or in special autogenous welding applications. Here WITT flashback arrestors ensure the highest level of safety when handling this high-energy fuel gas.
Example: Steel and glass production
Huge amounts of CO2 are still generated in steel production and glass melting. Green hydrogen is increasingly being used in these applications instead of coal or natural gas, providing significant net reduction it would be a significant gain in terms of emission-free production. Hydrogen also plays a key role in annealing processes.
See our hygrogen product range:
Want to see it in practice? Here find some examples: