Afnamepunt 503
Afnamepunt met geintegreerd filter voor de verzorging van brandsnijmachines
- voor brandbaar gas , opwarm zuurstof en snijzuurstof
- met gasfilter 622 voor verhoogde standtijden van de nageschakelde armaturen
- met beveiligingsinrichting 85-10 tegen gasterugslag en vlamdoorslag
- compleet gemonteerd en getest
Outlet point with integrated gas filters for cutting machines with fuel gas, heating oxygen and cutting oxygen.
- inlet with fittings
- reliable filtering performance increases service life of downstream fittings and equipment by gas filter 622 (40 μm)
- ball valve in inlet signals clearly position OPEN / CLOSED respectively gas flow / gas stop
- with safety device 85-10, against reverse gas flow and flashbacks according to DIN EN ISO 5175-1
- quick and easy wall mounting
- compact design on nickel plated square tube
- completely mounted and tested
Operation / Usage:
- Outlet points at the end of gas supply, verified with local required consumption rate
- Applicable for cutting machines
- Outlet points will be supplied according to our standard programme or your special design
- Nickel-plated square tube. For withdrawal of:
1x Acetylene
inlet: soldering end 21.3 mm,
ball valve DN 10,
gas filter 622,
pressure regulator for outlet point,
safety device 85-10,
outlet: G 3/4 LH male with cone
1x Heating Oxygen
inlet: pipe coupler for copper- or stainless steel tube 15x1,
ball valve DN 10,
gas filter 622,
pressure regulator for outlet point,
safety device 85-10,
outlet: G3/4 RH male
1x Cutting Oxygen
inlet: pipe coupler for copper- or stainless steel tube 15x1,
ball valve DN 10,
gas filter 622,
pressure regulator for outlet point,
safety device 85-10,
outlet 3/4 RH male with cone
- completely mounted and tested
Company certified to ISO 9001
Designed for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 13/20 and CGA G-4.4: Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems
Cleaned for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 33/18 and CGA G-4.1: Cleaning of Equipment for Oxygen Service
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