Vlamdover tegen gevaarlijke vlamterugslag MGN
Vlamdover tegen gevaarlijke vlamterugslag in de hogedruk leiding van vulinstallaties
- hoogste kwaliteit van de wereldmarktleider
- veiligheidselementen: vlamdover [FA], optioneel: gaskeerklep [NV]
- ieder appendage wordt 100% getest
- stopt gevaarlijke Acetyleenterugslag
- Openingsdruk ca. 60 mbar
- DIN EN ISO 15615
- DIN EN ISO 14114
- EIGA Acetyleen IGC DOC 123/4
- 29,5 X 88,5 mm, 385-412 g
- tot 25 bar
WITT Decomposition Arrestors for reliable protection against decomposition of acetylene up to 25 bar. Every Arrestor 100% tested.
- meets the requirements in accordance with TRAC 207, clause 8.1 "Decomposition Arrestors in acetylene plants" and EN ISO 15615:2002, clause 6.4 "acetylene decomposition test". Conforms to the Code of Practice (EIGA acetylene IGC Doc 123/04)
- one-time inspection by the BAM
- protect from accidents during filling of acetylene gas cylinders
- a large surface area flame arrestor FA of stainless steel construction: stop dangerous decomposition of acetylene from both sides or only from one direction, depending on version
- a spring-loaded non-return valve NV prevents slow or sudden reverse gas flow forming explosive mixtures
- in the gas supply (option) - opening pressure approx. 60 mbar
Operation / Usage:
- as a Decomposition Arrestor for acetylene in high pressure pipe-lines for protection from filling equipment
- WITT Decomposition Arrestors may be mounted in any position / orientation
- the maximum ambient / working temperature is 60 °C / 140 °F
- it is recommended that an annual body leakage test is performed
- Decomposition Arrestors are only to be serviced by the manufacturer
Company certified to ISO 9001 and PED 97/23/EC Module H
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