Omgevingsluchtbewakingssysteem RLA multichannel

Omgevingsluchtbewakingssysteem voor de detectie van brandstof en giftige gassen of O2, voor tot 16 transmitters

  • aansluiting van tot 16 transmitters voor verschillende soorten gassen
  • met digitale display en LEDs
  • 8 interne relais, 6 hiervan zijn vrij programmeerbaar
  • alarmlamp en claxon

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Ambient Air Monitoring System for the detection of combustible and toxic gases or oxygen (O2)


  • connection of up to 16 transmitters for different gases
  • easy programming of the measurement range, the measurement designation, the type of transmitter and the type of gas can be set individually as well as three alarm thresholds
  • 8 internal relays, 6 of them freely programmable

     - allocation of one or more measurement points to relay
     - single alarm per measurement point
     - single alarm per alarm threshold
     - configuration of collective alarm and group alarm
     - error report and voting function

  • large illuminated graphic display with traffic light function for continuous visual monitoring of the gas concentration
  • with integrated alarm transmitter (signal light and -audible alarm)
  • easy wall mounting
  • max. 20 cable glands
  • connections for alarm easily accessible on fore front
  • Transmitters:

     - with status and function display
     - long lifetime of sensors
     - setting without opening of housing via keystroke
     - on site alarm by integrated horn (optionally)


  • 2GB micro SD memory card for saving measurement values, averages, alarm events and errors in individual intervals
  • flow-through adapter for sensor check and calibration


1. Control and Display Unit
2. Transmitter/s
3. Transmitter cable for connecting of Transmitter and Control Unit


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