Domdrukregelaar 767LE/S, complete oplossing

Messing, aansluitingen G 3“ F / flens DN80/100, Kv-waarde 30

  • maximale drukconstante ook bij schommelende voordrukken, afnamehoeveelheden en temperaturen
  • regelbereik 0,5-30 bar
  • geschikt voor talrijke technische gassen
  • ready-to-use
  • ook in RVS leverbaar

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High performance dome-loaded pressure regulator set.
For high and varying flows requiring maximum pressure stability.


Pilot Control Tube (PCT)
One of the features enabling highly accurate control of outlet pressure

Balanced Seat Design (BSD)
Further enabling control precision, high reliability and low maintenance

A complete solution, ready to use
With integrated pilot pressure regulator, and stainless steel pressure gauges, completely assembled and tested

Own-medium controlled
Enabling autonomous operation (no separate gas supply required)

Closed system
Self-relieving design, but no gas is released to atmosphere

Simple to install and operate
Removable spindle enables simple setting of the required outlet pressure
Can be positioned at any angle / orientation
For indoor and outdoor installation.

Glycerine-filled manometer, unfilled version for oxygen

Operation / Usage:
Ideal for process gas supply where pressure accuracy is required even when inlet pressures and flow rates are varying.
High flow rates and outlet pressure accuracy are achieved, even when the difference between inlet and outlet pressures is small.

Depending on application, moving wetted parts may need replacement every 1-3 years.
For this we offer our Maintenance Set with original spare parts.

● Lockable spindle cap
● Maintenance Set

Company certified according to ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and PED 2014/68/EU Module H
CE-marked according to PED 2014/68/EU
ATEX 2014/34/EU with ignition hazard analysis according to EN 1127-1, DIN EN 13463-1 and ZH1/200
Analysed for Food Safety per HACCP-Analysis
Fulfils the requirements of EU Regulations (EC) 1935/2004, and (EC) 2023/2006
Fulfils the requirements of German Food and Feed (LFGB) Law, and is suitable for contact with food gases
Designed for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 13/20 and CGA G-4.4: Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems
Cleaned for Oxygen Service in accordance with EIGA 33/18 and CGA G-4.1: Cleaning of Equipment for Oxygen Service

Available upon request
Certificates and test reports
Other Dome types
Switchover systems / parallel supply systems
Customer-specific / customised versions


Reparatieset domdrukregelaar messing

voor de typen 737LE, 747LE, 757LE