Vlamdover Super 55
Resetbare vlamdover volgens de DIN EN ISO 5175-1 met drukgestuurde thermische beveiliging [PV] en waarschuwingsmelding
- hoogste kwaliteit van de wereldmarktleider
- beveiligingselementen: vlamdover [FA], thermisch gestuurde afsluiter [TV], gaskeerklep [NV], filter in de gasinlaat,alsmede een drukgestuurde thermische beveiliging [PV]
- onderbreekt de brandbare gastoevoer bij vlamterugslag en geeft een waarschuwingssignaal, eenvoudig weer in werking te zetten
- ieder appendage wordt 100% getest
- IBExU gecertificeerd
- 27,5 X 124 mm
- Acetyleen max. 10 m³/h (vrije uitstroom)
- Brandbare gassen max. 60 m³/h (vrije uitstroom)
- Zurstof max. 95 m³/h (vrije uitstroom)
From the product range „Super“, one of the best flashback arrestors in the world. For reliable protection against dangerous gas backflow and flashback in accordance with DIN EN ISO 5175-1. Every Arrestor 100% tested.
- extinguish dangerous flashbacks with sintered stainless steel elements FA
- immediately cut off the gas supply, and therefore prevent dangerous further work after any flashback or gas backflow via pressure sensitive cut-off valve PV
- extinguish sustained backfire – via temperature-sensitive cut-off valve TV
- avoid the formation of explosive mixtures in the gas supply – via non-return valves NV
- indicate flashbacks and gas backflow optically – via red alarm mark
- allow simple resumption of work after the cause of hazard has been removed – via resetting the sleeve
- offer long service life due to protection against dirt – via filter at gas inlet
Operation / Usage:
- the Flashback Arrestors are used against gas backflow and flashback at pipeline outlets and single cylinder equipment.
- the Flashback Arrestors can be installed independent of the orientation but according to gas flow
- each blowpipe should have its own Flashback Arrestor
- the maximum ambient / working temperature is 60 °C / 140 °F
- gases: acetylene, town gas, natural gas, LPG, hydrogen, oxygen, compressed air (more upon request)
- annual testing of the non-return valve, body leak tightness and flow capacity is recommended
- WITT is happy to supply special test equipment
- Flashback Arrestors are only to be serviced by the manufacturer. The dirt filter may be replaced by competent staff
Company certified to ISO 9001
Cleaned for Oxygen Service according to: EIGA IGC Doc 13/12/E: Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems
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