Drukregelstation 150NF (Acetyleen)
Drukregelstation voor de centrale gaasvoorziening tot 150 m³/h, handmatig om te schakelen (met drukregelaar 150F)
- optimaal benutten van de cilinderinhoud van de cilinderpakketten
- extreem stabiele uitlaatdruk onafhankelijk van de inlaatdruk en flow
- volgens de DIN EN ISO 14114 en de Acetyleennorm (TRAC)
- incl. WITT-beveiligingingen
WITT Pressure regulating station manually changeable 2x1 for central gas supplies. Every pressure regulating station 100% tested.
- pressure regulating station complete, mounted and tested
- quick and easy wall mounting
- robust design
- suitable for connection with cylinders or bundles
- pressure regulating station according to EN ISO 14114
- pressure regulator according to EN ISO 7291
- version including safety group 645, 2x or 4x with parallel safety device 85-30
- extremely low pressure drop (Δp) provides optimal draining of the manifold or bundle
- independent of inlet pressure and flow capacity stable outlet pressure, as well as maximum discharge
Operation / Usage:
The pressure regulating station ensures continuous gas supply and control of a pipeline, which is connected with pipeline outlets and reduces the risk of accidents. Supplying from single cylinders is no longer necessary.
- 2x1 pressure regulating station 150N manually changeable
consisting of:
2x 2/2-way-high pressure ball valves
1x Automatic Quick Acting Shut-Off Device HDS17 according to EN ISO 15615
1x pressure regulator ADR 150 with blow off valve
1x safety group 645 with safety device 85-30 (depending on version with 2x or 4x parallel)
1x ball valve with flange in outlet
- completely mounted and tested on stainless steel plate
- flexible hose standards (IBExU certified) for connection of pressure regulating station with gas supply (cylinder, gas cylinder manifolds, bundles, ...), adapter suitable for bundle connection
- gauge with contacts
- manifold for connection of cylinder bundles with pressure regulating station
Company certified to ISO 9001
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