Gasmenger MG500-1000_2ME ERC+ Ex

electronische hoge capaciteit gasmenger voor 2 brandbare gassen voor hoog verbruik en sterk wisselende menggasafnames

  • kwaliteits gasmenger van de wereld marktleider
  • capaciteitsbereik van  0 tot ca. 1264 Nm3/h
  • trappeloze gasmengselinstelling
  • menggasafname van nul tot maximale capaciteit mogelijk
  • niet afhankelijk van drukschommelingen
  • snel schakelende afnames mogelijk
  • apparaat werkt met een voldoende buffercapaciteit

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Gas mixing systems for 2 defined gases, designed for a variety of industrial applications with high flows and fluctuating gas mixture production requirements.

Capacity range from 0 to approx. 1264 Nm3/h.
For the exact pressure and flow capacity ratios, please refer to the data sheet.
Note: System only works with sufficient buffer volume (1500 to 2000 liters depending on gas mixing capacity).

Easy operation:

  • an electro-pneumatic proportional mixing valve provides infinitely variable mixture settings with control unit GC50 (local) via Ethernet or analogue input (remotely adjustable)
  • user-friendly input of data and process parameter by integrated keyboard or via PC (for example MS-Excel®)
  • simple, intuitive operation; no qualified personnel necessary
  • customer-oriented quality documentation by easy data management and evaluation
  • gas mixture withdrawal possible from zero to the maximum flow capacity

High process reliability:

  • inlet pressures and/or temperatures that are too low set off an audible/visual alarm and shuts down the mixed gas supply
  • lockable transparent door for protection of settings
  • independent of pressure fluctuations in the gas supply
  • intermittent gas mixture withdrawal possible


  • for flammable gases available as Ex-version with separate control cabinet
  • monitoring of the gas supply by means of pressure and/or temperature transmitter; inlet pressures and/or temperatures that are too low set off a visual alarm (audible optional) and switch a potential-free contact (e.g. to shut down machinery to avoid quality problems)
  • integrated gas analysis for the monitoring/control and documentation of the gas mixture production with heater for mixer and control system
  • with separate filter in the inlet

Other models, options and accessories available on request. Please identify the individual gases at the time of enquiring!

Our gas mixers are always customised to the needs of the costumer. Please tell us your specifications, we will realise them.


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